Fender F-350R-B

Adviesprijs: 13,89


string set electric, stainless steel, regular, ball end, 010-013-017-026-036-046


verzendkosten: € 6,95 - gratis boven € 100 Artikelnummer: F-350R-B Categorieën: , , Voorraad:


Levertijd: 1 tot 2 dagen Let op: in verband met personeelstekorten bij pakketdiensten kan uw bestelling langer onderweg zijn.
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Growling tone that lasts

Fender Stainless 350's strings deliver the high output and aggressive tone that's ideal for heavier styles, such as hard rock and heavy metal. The stainless steel construction also increases the lifespan of each string, ensuring rock-solid stability and substantial sound for the long haul.